Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Love thoughts!

I believe that the deepest and most sincere thing you can ever say to anyone dear to you is those three words. If someone inspires you, ignites you and just makes you feel wholesomely happy & fulfilled, you’d most definitely have to love that person. Imagine meeting someone who inspires you to love? Someone who has captured you so much your every sense is filled with love. Someone you inhale, someone you taste so deeply it feels like cool water; a divine connection that goes far beyond all measures of friendship and mere attraction. You see your unborn children in her eyes and know that your heart has at last found a home.
Love, truly is a pulse of life, your life begins with that person, and without that person it is unbearable. Love is so beautiful, its beauty is hidden! Love makes life beautiful! It’s the best thing that can ever happen to anybody! When you love its almost true that you never have to say sorry cos’ you never have the tendencies to hurt yourselves. Don’t love someone who is beautiful; but love the one who can make your life beautiful. Love that person who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
Love the one who kisses your forehead subtly, who isn’t ashamed of you, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on.
Love him who says I love you sincerely a million times, who’s eyes say a whole lot more than those three words, whom u are very comfortable with, one who’s certain of you. One who knows he’s lucky to have you! One who would use his last breath to say I love you if he had to choose between loving you and breathing!
The truth about love is that you just can’t resist it no matter how many times you’ve been hurt!
Love truly!
Love purely!
Love, and don’t hate!
Most of all…Love unconditionally!