Monday, July 12, 2010

Let's Talk!

Apparently, the one phrase most peeps, both guys and girls hate to hear is when one party in a relationship gives this phrase; 'We need to talk!' Aaaaaaargh, i can just imagine the flushed look on the other persons face, you can sense a whole lot of damage, bruise and grieve about to happen. To some its as good as a break up about to happen. One things for sure; someone is definitely unhappy. Talking is most expected to mean; 'Am getting sick and tired of this attitude you're putting up with!' or 'Am beginning to think we need a break!' those terrible phrases mean nothing but trouble & spells doom in a relationship. Its healthy to talk, but healthier to have healthy talks, talks that won't cause harm.
The one thing we unconsciously do is irritate, annoy & over pressurize our partners. We're really never perfect, ok, so don't expect this to not happen. Don't think you're never going to turn your partner off at some point with some not too pleasing behavioural patterns.
Its a sure thing to say you're sorry. It helps! Its a healing word, a sincere 'sorry' is one magic word that eases a lot of distress. We all know that some times, sorry is always like the hardest word but rily think of all the pain and hurt you must have avoided with that single 5 letter word. For whatever hurt you may have caused a 'sorry' (could) do the trick. It doesn't really matter who does the pleading first or who messed up and acted wrongly; what matters is that its a forgotten issue and you're remorse about it. Making amends make things work out for the better.
Now 'the talk' most times could span for as long as possible but its best to keep it as simple as possible. Here are a few things to note when giving 'the talk';

1. No matter how mad you are, never ever use bad, unwelcoming, and fowl languages; words that could affect the other person negatively. Better still, avoid abuses...for crying out loud, you probably would still kiss and make up. Don't use words you'd regret in the long run. Got it?

2. Go with a clear mind that the talk ain't an argument, and that its just a discussion nt a break up.

3. Please and please; avoid raising past errors & issues, it only makes things go sour...past is should be long forgotten. Talk about the now & maybe the future, never about the past.

4. Never make assumptions! Assumptions as they say, is the mother of all fuck ups. You could ruin a beautiful thing by assuming wrongly. It poisons your thoughts; which causes bad riffs which in turn breeds broken relationships.

5. Be honest! Words have a life of their own, think before you speak!

Your talking should mean conversing positively with an open mind, an open heart and most importantly, thoughts of atonement. We can't do without hurting & so we should learn to say sorry. As hard as the word is, it's the most needed. Keep burning that true undiluted flame... You have the willpower & the ability, so let nothing, nothing at all drift you away! With all sincerity, be an embodiment of peace!

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